Creating a custom flash storage backendΒΆ

Since version 1.5, Django-Flash supports custom flash storage backends.

By default, Django-flash provides two built-in storage backends:

The good news is that you can create your own storage backend if the existing ones are getting in your way. To do so, the first thing you need to do is create a Python module with a class called FlashStorageClass:

# Let's suppose this module is called 'myproj.djangoflash.custom'

# You can use the serialization codec configured by the user
from djangoflash.codec import codec

class FlashStorageClass(object):
    def _is_flash_stored(self, request):
        # This method checks whether the flash is already stored

    def set(self, flash, request, response):
        if flash:
            # Store the flash
        elif self._is_flash_stored(request):
            # Flash is null or empty, so remove the already stored flash

    def get(self, request):
        if self._is_flash_stored(request):
            # Return the stored flash

Then, to use your custom flash storage backend, add the following setting to your project’s file:

FLASH_STORAGE = 'myproj.djangoflash.custom' # Path to module

See also


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Using Django-Flash

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Creating a custom serialization codec

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