JsHamcrest.Matchers — Built-in Matchers

Built-in matcher library.

Collection Matchers


The length of the actual value must be zero:

assertThat([], empty());
assertThat('', empty());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value should be an array and matcherOrValue must match all items:

assertThat([1,2,3], everyItem(greaterThan(0)));
assertThat([1,'1'], everyItem(1));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value should be an array and it must contain at least one value that matches matcherOrValue:

assertThat([1,2,3], hasItem(equalTo(3)));
assertThat([1,2,3], hasItem(3));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value should be an array and matchersOrValues must match at least one item:

assertThat([1,2,3], hasItems(2,3));
assertThat([1,2,3], hasItems(greaterThan(2)));
assertThat([1,2,3], hasItems(1, greaterThan(2));
Parameters:MatchersOrValues – Matchers and/or values.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The length of the actual value value must match matcherOrValue:

assertThat([1,2,3], hasSize(3));
assertThat([1,2,3], hasSize(lessThan(5)));
assertThat('string', hasSize(6));
assertThat('string', hasSize(greaterThan(3)));
assertThat({a:1, b:2}, hasSize(equalTo(2)));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The given array or arguments must contain the actual value:

assertThat(1, isIn([1,2,3]));
assertThat(1, isIn(1,2,3));
Parameters:item... – Array or list of values.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Alias to isIn() function.

Core Matchers


All matchesOrValues must match the actual value. This matcher behaves pretty much like the JavaScript && (and) operator:

assertThat(5, allOf([greaterThan(0), lessThan(10)]));
assertThat(5, allOf([5, lessThan(10)]));
assertThat(5, allOf(greaterThan(0), lessThan(10)));
assertThat(5, allOf(5, lessThan(10)));
Parameters:matchersOrValues – Instances of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher and/or values.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

At least one of the matchersOrValues should match the actual value. This matcher behaves pretty much like the || (or) operator:

assertThat(5, anyOf([even(), greaterThan(2)]));
assertThat(5, anyOf(even(), greaterThan(2)));
Parameters:matchersOrValues – Instances of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher and/or values.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Useless always-match matcher:

assertThat('string', anything());
assertThat(null, anything());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Combinable matcher where the actual value must match all the given matchers or values:

assertThat(10, both(greaterThan(5)).and(even()));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.CombinableMatcher.

Combinable matcher where the actual value must match at least one of the given matchers or values:

assertThat(10, either(greaterThan(50)).or(even()));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.CombinableMatcher.

The actual value must be equal to expected:

assertThat('10', equalTo(10));
Parameters:expected – Expected value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Delegate-only matcher frequently used to improve readability:

assertThat('10', is(10));
assertThat('10', is(equalTo(10)));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be null or undefined:

var undef;
assertThat(undef, nil());
assertThat(null, nil());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must not match matcherOrValue:

assertThat(10, not(20));
assertThat(10, not(equalTo(20)));
Parameters:matcherOrValue – Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher or a value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value is a function and, when invoked, it should thrown an exception with the given name:

var MyException = function(message) {
    this.name = 'MyException';
    this.message = message;

var myFunction = function() {
    // Do something dangerous...
    throw new MyException('Unexpected error');

assertThat(myFunction, raises('MyException'));
Parameters:exceptionName – Name of the expected exception.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value is a function and, when invoked, it should raise any exception:

var myFunction = function() {
    // Do something dangerous...
    throw 'Some unexpected error';

assertThat(myFunction, raisesAnything());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be the same as expected:

var number = 10, anotherNumber = number;
assertThat(number, sameAs(anotherNumber));
Parameters:expected – Expected value.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be any value considered truth by the JavaScript engine:

var undef;
assertThat(10, truth());
assertThat({}, truth());
assertThat(0, not(truth()));
assertThat('', not(truth()));
assertThat(null, not(truth()));
assertThat(undef, not(truth()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be equivalent to expected. This works for maps with nested arrays and maps:

var firstMap = {"key" : 1, "key2" : "String"};
var equivMap = {"key" : 1, "key2" : "String"};

assertThat(firstMap, equivalentMap(equivMap));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be equivalent to expected. This works for arrays with nested arrays and maps:

var firstArray = [ 1, "String"];
var equivArray = [ 1, "String"];

assertThat(firstArray, equivalentArray(equivArray));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Number Matchers


The actual number must be between the given range (inclusive):

assertThat(5, between(4).and(7));
Parameters:start – Range start.
Returns:Builder object with an end() method, which returns a JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher instance and thus should be called to finish the matcher creation.
JsHamcrest.Matchers.closeTo(expected[, delta])

The actual number must be close enough to expected, that is, the actual number is equal to a value within some range of acceptable error:

assertThat(0.5, closeTo(1.0, 0.5));
assertThat(1.0, closeTo(1.0, 0.5));
assertThat(1.5, closeTo(1.0, 0.5));
assertThat(2.0, not(closeTo(1.0, 0.5)));
  • expected – Expected number.
  • delta(Optional, default=0) Expected difference delta.

Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.


The actual value must be divisible by divisor:

assertThat(21, divisibleBy(3));
Parameters:divisor – Divisor.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be even:

assertThat(4, even());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be greater than expected:

assertThat(10, greaterThan(5));
Parameters:expected – Expected number.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be greater than or equal to expected:

assertThat(10, greaterThanOrEqualTo(5));
Parameters:expected – Expected number.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be less than expected:

assertThat(5, lessThan(10));
Parameters:expected – Expected number.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be less than or equal to expected:

assertThat(5, lessThanOrEqualTo(10));
Parameters:expected – Expected number.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must not be a number:

assertThat(Math.sqrt(-1), notANumber());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be odd:

assertThat(5, odd());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual number must be zero:

assertThat(0, zero());
assertThat('0', not(zero()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Object Matchers


The actual value must be a boolean:

assertThat(true, bool());
assertThat(false, bool());
assertThat("text" not(bool()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be a function:

assertThat(function() {}, func());
assertThat("text", not(func()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value has a function with the given name:

var greeter = {
    sayHello: function(name) {
        alert('Hello, ' + name);

assertThat(greeter, hasFunction('sayHello'));
Parameters:functionName – Function name.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.
JsHamcrest.Matchers.hasMember(memberName[, matcherOrValue])

The actual value has an attribute with the given name:

var greeter = {
    marco: 'polo',
    sayHello: function(name) {
        alert('Hello, ' + name);

assertThat(greeter, hasMember('marco'));
assertThat(greeter, hasMember('sayHello'));

It’s also possible to match the member’s value if necessary:

assertThat(greeter, hasMember('marco', equalTo('polo')));
  • memberName – Member name.
  • matcherOrValue – Matcher used to match the member’s value.

Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.


The actual value must be an instance of clazz:

assertThat([], instanceOf(Array));
Parameters:clazz – Constructor function.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be a number:

assertThat(10, number());
assertThat('10', not(number()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be an object:

assertThat({}, object());
assertThat(10, not(object()));
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be an string:

assertThat('10', string());
assertThat(10, not(string());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual value must be of the given type:

assertThat(10, typeOf('number'));
assertThat({}, typeOf('object'));
assertThat('10', typeOf('string');
assertThat(function(){}, typeOf('function'));
Parameters:typeName – Name of the type.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

Text Matchers


The actual string must have a substring equals to str:

assertThat('string', containsString('tri'));
Parameters:str – Substring.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual string must look like an e-mail address:

assertThat('[email protected]', emailAddress());
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.


This matcher is not fully compliant with RFC2822 due to its complexity.


The actual string must end with str:

assertThat('string', endsWith('ring'));
Parameters:str – String.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual string must be equal to str, ignoring case:

assertThat('str', equalIgnoringCase('Str'));
Parameters:str – String.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual string must match regex:

assertThat('0xa4f2c', matches(/\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\b/));
Parameters:regex – Regular expression.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.

The actual string must start with str:

assertThat('string', startsWith('str'));
Parameters:str – String.
Returns:Instance of JsHamcrest.SimpleMatcher.